Residential Parking Solutions from ParkCo
ParkCo has solutions for all types of residential parking applications.
ParkCo Insight™ has been designed with all parking applications in mind. Whether your parking asset is a multi-level structured garage, surface lot, gated or non-gated, secured or non-secured, ParkCo has the solution to optimizing your parking net operating income and increasing your facility’s asset value.
Residential Condo &
Apartment Parking Lots
Mixed-use Residential &
Office Parking Lots
Mixed-use Residential &
Urban Retail/Commercial
ParkCo has a solution that fits. Learn more by reading some residential case studies below:
ParkCo has a solution that fits. Learn more by reading some residential case studies below:
Case Study: Managing mixed residential and commercial parking to optimize capacity.
Description of Property:
A single residential condo high-rise that shares its parking facility with ground floor retail and nearby offices. The parking is an undedicated, underground garage structure with 197 parking spaces.
Challenge + Opportunity:
The facility experienced challenges with vehicles tailgating into the garage and tenants parking in unpermitted areas for long periods of time. In addition, based on periodic site walks, the facility seemingly had significant excess availability. Without 24/7 data, the opportunity that this presented was unclear and management wanted firm analytics before expanding parking opportunities.

The Success
The ParkCo Insight™
product suite used:
Customized the Optimal Mix of Suite Tools:
InsightDetect™ sensors were installed to capture usage data from each parking space. InsightRoute™ was used to direct users quickly to available spaces and EV charging locations. InsightSecure™ and InsightMonitor™ were installed to manage permitted entrance and compliance in the garage. InsightVolt™ provided reliable EV charging to tenants. InsightPay™ monetized visitor parking in a cost-efficient manner.
Created Operational Benefits:
• InsightMonitor™: Violators inside the garage were reported in real-time to property management for immediate ticketing or towing. This quickly boosted sitewide compliance.
• InsightSecure™: LPR cameras ensured tenants could enter seamlessly and with minimal delay. With customized access settings, residents were given 24 hour access while office & retail users where only permitted access between 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM on week days. InsightSecure™ also allowed residents to book visitors in advance using their ParkCoGo mobile app. Once booked on a shared facilities calendar, our smart cameras recognize the registered visitors and seamlessly opened the garage door.
• InsightRoute™: Ensured parkers could always locate a stall and improved overall vehicle circulation.
Improved Net Operating Income & Parking Opportunities:
InsightPay™ walk-up touchscreen terminal:
- • Monetized transitory visitor spots in cost effective manner.
- • Ongoing maintenance and service costs were reduced by 45% as a result of eliminating tickets and unnecessary mechanical devices that are prone to breakdown.
- • Visually stunning terminals welcomed visitors and positioned the property as a triple A, future-forward asset.
InsightDetect™ occupancy sensors:
• Captured usage data over 12 months from each parking space. Based on observed vacancy levels, ParkCo’s dashboard provided clear and actionable recommendations around how many additional passes could be issued to residents, retail and office users. This not only boosted revenue but increased the parking ratio that could be marketed to new retail tenants.
Case Study: Optimizing garage capacity while managing compliance of non-licensed users.
Description of Property:
Single residential tower with underground garage structure containing 190 undedicated parking spaces, located in busy downtown core with many nearby tech firms.
Challenge + Opportunity:
During the day, a sizeable portion of its residents drove offsite to work, freeing up spots for nearby office tenants. During the evening, the office tenants drove home, freeing up spots for returning residents. If management could quantify how much available space was available during daytime and evening hours, they could issue additional passes to both user groups. This could increase revenues and boost parking ratios.

The Success
The ParkCo Insight™
product suite used:
Customizing the Optimal of Suite Tools:
InsightDetect™ sensors were installed to capture usage data from each parking space. InsightRoute™ was used to direct users quickly to available spaces and EV charging locations. InsightSecure™ and InsightMonitor™ were installed to manage permitted entrance and compliance in the garage. InsightVolt™ provided reliable EV charging to tenants. InsightPay™ monetized visitor parking in a cost-efficient manner.
Created Operational Benefits:
- Reduced parking violations by providing management real time notifications when an unregistered vehicle was onsite.
- LPR cameras ensured tenants could enter seamlessly and with minimal delay.
- With customized access settings, residents were given 24 hour access while office users where only permitted access between 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM on week days. This ensured there were never conflicts around stall usage.
- Eased congestion in the garage.
- Tenants could access all their parking needs; access, wayfinding, visitor booking and EV charging through a single mobile app, ParkCoGo™.
Improved Net Operating Income & Parking Opportunities:
InsightDetect™ occupancy sensors:
- Captured usage data over 12 months from each parking space. Based on observed vacancy levels, ParkCo’s dashboard provided clear and actionable recommendations around how many additional passes could be issued to residents, retail and office users. This not only boosted revenue but increased the parking ratio that could be marketed to new retail tenants.